Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Week 7 Discussion Summary (1)

Week 7 Discussion Summary (1)

Q Please conclude this week's assignment by summarizing its content and applying what you have learned to your personal and professional life. Please address the following three questions: • What are the key points in the chapter? Provide a summary (1 page). • Out of the many possible topics that could be addressed in an introductory course in Environmental Law, why do you think this topic was chosen for inclusion in this course? • How might this week’s topic affect you both professionally and personally? •

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This last week of the class lay its accentuation on the U.S. CONGRESS passed the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1973 under then President Richard Nixon. Its essential objective was to secure local plants and creatures confronting potential eradication. The Act has been revised a few times and widened to secure specific species, as well as the territories that help them. Species might be recorded as either "undermined," which means they are in danger for critical populace decreases, or "jeopardized," ordinarily meaning the populace has officially tumbled to low levels and is in danger of elimination.